Introduction to our In-sight blog!
“Your ambitions should not determine your life. You are a human being first, and your goals are merely adjuncts to your basic quest as a person. Life Goal: Consciousness of one’s humanity.” (Deng Ming-Dao TAO, Fulfilment, Pg. 116)
The intent of this blog is to create a safe space to connect with others and share everything and anything related to the Feminine Principle. We wish to create a better understanding of the Feminine Principle as it influences our personal lives, our culture and the world. The one word of our title, Insight, expresses the essence of the Feminine Principle. From that one word one can extrapolate many others which begin to fill in the myriad of spaces contained within the larger concept of Feminine Principle.
The Feminine Principle is BEING writ large and expresses itself through Self-awareness, Introspection, Consciousness, Inner knowing, Gnosis, Self-knowledge, Intuition, Imagery, Wisdom, Self-discovery, Self-Actualization, etc. etc. etc.
We hope you will also eventually share your understanding of the Feminine Principle to further fill out the picture and collectively deepen our knowing of it. Tis a worthy topic that occupies one half of all the energies of the world! Our intent is to teach, collaborate, listen, learn and share openly and respectfully our thoughts and beliefs and reciprocally receive those of others about this expansive topic.
The best experiential explanation I have been able to find for the Feminine Principle is one by Brugh Joy: Suspend judgements, Make no comparisons and delete the need to understand.
Accomplishing this places one in a state of BEING and receptivity which is a primary characteristic of the Feminine Principle. Please note: It will always be important to understand that Feminine Principle does not mean Female gender. It is instead, an energy of the world and of humanity that is part of and accessible to all genders of humanity. This will be an essential tenet of all of our future explorations.
recommended resources
Special treat! For anyone interested in experiencing another woman's journey to the Feminine Principle, the DVD by Megan McFeely entitled, “As -She- Is,” is highly recommended for both individual and group viewing! To learn more about it and to order a copy visit
in the news
Read this editorial by Charles Blow or the "NY Times" called “Checking my male privilege.”