The Meaning of the Black Madonna

Why should we care about the Black Madonna,? As you will learn in this post,: The Black Madonna is often found “behind and under.” And isn’t that a metaphor for women? Ponder this yourself and think about all the many ways we are kept under and left behind. Perhaps the symbol of the Black Madonna can unite women to see ourselves as the actual, earthy, fertile, creative, life-sustaining, grounded force that are.

The Lost Feminine Principle Theory of Charles Darwin: The Heart Mind Connection

“What the world needs now is love, sweet love,” sang Dionne Warwick…and evidently also compassion according to Charles Darwin. Yes, the father of survival of the fittest had another theory, too, which the world has never needed more to hear about. Mary shares his lost belief in the “Heart-Mind Connection” and her thoughts about Aha! or Eureka! Moments in her latest blog post.

Spirituality and the Conscious Feminine

Three quotes from Nelle Morton: “Thus ‘spiritual’ is experienced profoundly as sisterhood in its loftiest and most universal sense and, we may add redundantly, political action of the most radical sort on behalf of and ultimately including all of humanity--women, children and men.”

“For anyone to experience solidarity in world sisterhood is to break out of the patriarchal mindset that cannot think in global terms (outside the box of separation) and dualism.”

“Women are seeking to harmonize, to bring to wholeness again, something that has been torn apart and has deprived men and women of humanness.” p. 98.