Masculine and Feminine Principles in Everyday Life, part two

For this blog entry, we’d like to have everyone weigh in on how they experience the interaction of feminine and masculine energies in daily life.  I have a couple of examples that I would like to share to get the ball rolling and I hope that everyone interested  in doing so will make a contribution from their own experience.  Here goes…..

As previously shared, while working to understand the M/F energy relationship within myself, I asked in a to guided imagery to  receive an image of how they relate to each other.  Naturally, the Universe with its sense of humor, gave me a Disney character to work with.  The undersea “witch” or wise woman character in the Ariel movie arose in all of her majesty, implying the strength of her energy.  She was seated on her throne and Neptune with his trident, arose before her.  She in no uncertain terms, gestured grandly with her arm and said with authority, “You get behind me!”

I never again questioned the right relationship of my masculine energy to my feminine energy. I have ever since understood that my masculine energy is there to get behind, to . support my feminine energy in its “right” relationship.  

In hindsight, that was how my personal relationship was with my husband as well, the inner state reflecting the outer one.  These truths manifest in mysterious ways, not always consciously but as I thought about it, I always felt supported in my choices as a woman by his masculine strengths and attitudes.  We worked at it, to say the least, but in the end that is one of my overriding memories of how our relationship “danced”.  Thinking back, much of our help to understand this relationship came from dreams, our own inner knowing.

I also at one time worked with a Michael Channel and “he/she” shared that my soul energy was that of a teacher and that of my husband’s was that of a warrior.  It is common, I was told for those two energies to travel together because a “teacher” needs  the protection of a “ warrior” in order to be supported.  That is how I always felt when I put myself out there in my teaching career.  He backed me up!

Another example comes from a businessman friend who was in a professional workshop that had shamanic drumming, a new experience for him.  He allowed himself to receive a message from his inner knowing (F) as a part of the drumming experience.  It came as a large eagle that dove at a smaller bird. His image was short and startling because his (M) rational side was so surprised to get such a powerful  image from his (F) side. With the help of his instructor, he discerned that he had more personal  power and ability  than he gave himself credit for and perhaps he needed to be more assertive in his leadership of  others.

Another friend, Nancy  who wears the many hats, teacher of Yoga, Pilates, Bodyworker, esthetician and horsewoman extraordinaire to name just a few.  It is within this latter skill as horsewoman that she came to understand the different energies when training horses.  The  horse training  method she has recently discovered is one that is a distinctly feminine energy approach in contrast to a dominator model that she has previously used.  I interviewed Nancy  and she said that the new method of horse training was to first listen to the horse and then guide it in a mutually acceptable way (F),  versus giving commands and leading the horse solely in the direction that you wanted it to go (M).  This mutual/reciprocal method produced results that were more satisfying to both horse and rider.

 “Sometimes the magic of life is beyond thought.  It’s the sparkle of intuition, of bringing your own personal energy into your music.” (feminine principle)

“But don’t I need to worry about singing the right words to the right notes?” (masculine principle) “One needs both.”

Quote from The Childbury Ladies’ Choir by Jennifer Ryan

This exercise comes from "Body and Soul Magazine," March 2005.  It comes from Skye Alexander, author of The Care and Feeding of your Chi.

-Connect and Center, focus on your breathing.  Sit with you back straight and envision your spine extending down, like a taproot into the ground.

-In your mind’s eye, draw feminine energy up from the earth through your body.  To create a sense of calm and serenity, visualize healing blue-green energy traveling like a fountain or spring, from deep in the ground, up through the  back of your spine and then spouting out from the top of your head, flowing down on all sides, washing your aura clean.  Inhale as the energy comes into your body--exhale as it spouts out.

-Now draw masculine energy down from the sky. To inspire courage and revitalize your energy, imagine clouds parting to reveal a bright sun, and feel the warm golden light beaming down through the crown chakra at the top of your head all the way to your root chakra located at the base of your spine.

 -Conjoin the two energy forces.  Finally, sense those two opposing forces, feminine and masculine, yin and yang, joining at the third chakra in your solar plexus, about halfway between your heart and your navel.  Feel yourself calm, focused, renewed, and ready to face the rest of your day.