Meeting the Ancient Goddess Within: A Guided Imagery

Relax, deepen and protect.  Imagine white light surrounding your body and mind.  Know that this white light is a symbol of spiritual protection and as such, will screen out negative influences while allowing all positive thought and feeling to enter. Each breath you take allows you to experience the protection of this white light…

 Moving down now to that center place of knowing, floating down, find yourself on a deserted beach.  Here on this quiet beach, lighted by the moon, you sit and watch the moonbeams sparkling and shimmering across the water.  The sparkling beams dancing on the waters carry you even deeper.  And you begin a slow and steady walk, winding your way along the shoreline where your path is guided by the moon.  It is through the light of the moon that you are drawn to an ancient, sacred place.  You feel an irresistible pull that draws you, as it once did our foremothers, to the temple of the Goddess.  They would go to this sacred place for rituals of healing, regeneration and rebirth……….

 Now you, like ancient women, also go to the Goddesses’s Temple to encounter her.  The goddess would appear in many forms in many ways, through a dream, a vision, a spark of  intuition…. The energy of the goddess would appear and serve as a catalyst to awaken energies within women that would continue to flow within them long after they left their sacred place….

 Find yourself now where only a few  have journeyed, in the place of an ancient civilization now forgotten.  It is a place of joy, of serenity and peace. You are pulled along, pulled as the tides are pulled, drawn back to the time of the great matriarchies, an age that is past, present and future all in one…..Slowly, in this place you now find yourself, the outline of a majestic temple appears before you.  Move closer and closer, deeper and deeper until you find yourself inside this beautiful temple, a temple beyond the reach of time, a temple contained in a sacred space, the ancient space dedicated to the Goddess…...Beams of light show you the way…..

 Through the open doors you see into the inner sanctuary.  In this sacred space, you see hooded and robed figures moving gracefully before an altar, figures whose faces are lost in the shadows……….These figures beckon to you, indicating that you are to follow them and you do so eagerly because you know it is with them that you will meet the essence of the Primal Goddess, Mother of All That Is, the Great Mother.  This is her temple, these are her priestesses and you are experiencing her sacred place……….

Follow these figures now as you move through long corridors, following a winding spiral path through a labyrinth of time.  You wind down and around on this path until you reach a center space, a circular space which contains only a single slab of stone.  Here you will lie upon this stone like women of old have done before you.  It is here that a dream will come to you, a dream of healing, of wisdom, of renewal, of rebirth through the goddess.  Take a few moments to experience this empowering dream.  Receive what She brings to you. ( LONG PAUSE)

And now gradually awaken from your dream and rise from the stone.  See yourself slowly moving back up through the long, winding spiral corridor…….You enter once again into the inner sanctuary of the temple.  You see it all once again only this time with a much deeper sense of knowing of this place and the essence of the goddess that resides here.  This is a knowing of yourself as a woman, a knowing of the sacredness of the feminine principle that has manifested in you through your goddess dream…….Take a moment to celebrate this dream and this sacred place….celebrate this gift of knowing you have received and celebrate your being there…..

  ( Pause briefly)

  Now find a way to comfortably leave this place, the place of the ancients that you can return to whenever you wish just by moving to that deep center place within you...  Slowly, slowly, in your own time, move back and up to your usual waking reality.  Take your time and remember all that you have experienced.  Comeback refreshed and energized by your journey and when you have returned, open your eyes, stretch your body and be fully present.