Guided Images allow intellectual information that you read about to be transformed through an experiential experience into a deeper knowing within your body. Trust whatever comes to you—you may not understand its meaning at first.
Wisdom Goddess Archetypes, III
Bringing Forward Your Wisewoman, part II
Naming ourselves as wisewomen helps to counteract the limiting belief pervasive in our culture that as women “we are not enough.” When we reject the male-indentified model of competing with other women and instead join together to celebrate our strengths, support and encourage each other, the feminine principle begins to re-emerge It’s necessary! There are over 1000 negative labels for women in English and far fewer for men. Together we have the power to change our culture.
Wisewomen Archetypes: The Triple Goddess: Maiden/Mother/Crone
Why Women Need the Goddess, part two
It's in the news every day lately in various ways. What is Feminist Consciousness and Feminism?
Why Women Need the Goddess
A Tribute to Gerda Lerner, an inspirational teacher of feminist consciousness
Women’s Anger--A Force for Change
The Heroine's Journey, Part Three
The Heroine's Journey, Part Two, Seeking your own truth
The Heroine's Journey, A Feminine Principle Path to Wholeness, Part One
What happened to the Goddess/Feminine Principle?
In the beginning, the feminine principle was seen as the fundamental cosmic force. Procreation was not understood to be connected with coitus, and it was though that Woman—like the Goddess—brought forth life alone and unaided. This was a time when women were not only venerated, but actually had social and political power. So what happened? Read on to learn…
The Feminine Principle in America
Shadow, Part Two
So far we’ve looked at the personal shadow as it relates to the Feminine Principle. As I think about it, working with shadow is the absolute core of the Feminine Principle. It is the most direct way to acquire insight and self-knowledge, not only personally but as a nation as well. Our nation has a consciousness and a shadow just like an individual has a personal one. It is what C.J. Jung called the ‘collective shadow’. As a nation we are currently deeply involved in shadow-work, discovering who we are and what we want to be as a nation. The Feminine Principle lives!
Stratford Festival Theater Balances "Julius Caesar"
On Women's Equality Day, 3 Things to Know about The Suffrage Movement
Before women fought for the right to vote, they first had to fight for the right to be considered independent citizens since married women could not from sig legal documents, own property or have a real profession. How did Women’s Equality Day begin? Read this brief history of the women’s movement from Time Magazine…