Now that you have in two ways experienced more of your feminine/masculine energies, more discussion seems appropriate. I first would like to restate the meaning of the yin/yang symbol as it relates to our own psychologies. Both male and female energies are present within every person, regardless of gender and are equivalent to what could be called, the creative life process. Through this perpetual balancing of our “duality” we are always in the process of creating ourselves, our “wholeness” whether we are conscious of it or not.
These energies manifest not as an either/or polarity but as a both/and dynamic, an interdependent mutual unity. In combination these masculine and feminine energies create the essence of wholeness, a theme that will be explored in greater depth as we continue on the path of discovery of The Feminine Principle. “Wholeness” implies a personal behavior state that is never “achieved”. It is instead, a continual, internal dynamic of the process of life. Our job is to become conscious of operating within ourselves and the world.
As Shakti Gawain describes it, the Taoist Yin/Yang symbol is a visual metaphor that represents this continual “balancing” process of life. It is a creative process whereby…”the feminine energy aspect of ourselves receives universal creative energy and the masculine energy aspect of ourselves puts it in the world through action. The union of masculine and feminine energies is the basis of all creation.” Shakti Gawain, Living in the Light, (p. 46.)
We will revisit this again when a discussion of “The Sacred Marriage” presents itself in the future.
Physicist Fritjof Capra presents a slightly different description of this dynamic process and symbol. “The Yin/Yang diagram is a symmetric arrangement of the dark Yin and the bright Yang, but the symmetry is not static. It is a rotational symmetry suggesting, very forcefully, a continuous cycle of movement...The two dots in the diagram symbolize the idea that each time one of the two forces reaches the extreme, it contains in itself already the seed of its opposite.”
Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics.
In conclusion for this post, I share with you a relevant quote from Ken Cary’s book, The Return of the Bird Tribes, p. 208) “All about this universe that is feminine worships what is masculine. And the sole purpose of all about this universe that is masculine, is to serve the feminine through the celebration and animation of the beauty that lies in her heart. Feminine and Masculine (energies) are balanced in all healthy manifestations, equal partners, lovers, the truest twin friends.”
Take a few moments to identify how the masculine principle and feminine principle manifest within yourself, within your relationships, within the culture and within the natural world. Go as far afield as you wish because the subject is never ending and all encompassing!
Share any comments or thoughts that you have!